
It’s almost the middle of July and the night skies are light until late.  However, if you want to look beyond our solar system, the James Webb Space Telescope has produced amazing pictures of deepest space.

Closer to home, on the 13th July here in the UK, we may see something amazing in the early evening!

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Mid July;
For those who lift their eyes from the earth,
A supermoon.


Original artwork and verse by Ashley



21 thoughts on “July

  1. A “super moon” is extraordinary to see on the horizon. When I lived in the country, we could see it very well. It still gives me goosebumps. 👀🍃

    1. It’s lovely to hear from you, Gail, for a time I thought I’d lost you! I think you’ve moved south? More sunshine and more relaxed? I’ve not seen a supermoon and am looking forward to this one but our skies have been full of clouds recently! Fingers crossed 🤞 Thanks for dropping by 🌹🙋‍♂️

      1. Yes, I’m a Floridian now. 🌴🌊 Always a pleasure chatting with you, Ashley. Keep looking up! 🌕💫✨

  2. I love your beautiful – perfect Moon!
    Looking forward to seeing it here tomorrow. 🤞
    Happy Tuesday and enjoy a wonderful supermoon tomorrow!
    ps amazing indeed [James Webb Space Telescope images]!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments! One breath, one brush stroke; I surprised myself 😊 I just hope the clouds break up before tomorrow evening! Just in case, send me a photo 🌹🙋‍♂️

  3. Thanks for the reminder of the super moon, I keep forgetting it. I saw the moon yesterday , now it is cloudy, I wished it would rain. Yet hopefully we can see the moon tomorrow.
    Your moon is lovely.
    I love the long evenings. Enjoy July Ashley!

    1. Thank you, Ute, whilst it’s been warm we’ve had lots of cloud for a few days so I’m not sure if we’ll see the moon tomorrow. It would great though, fingers crossed. ⚘🙋‍♂️

    1. We’ve been covered with cloud, so not hopeful about seeing the moon. I’ve not seen a supermoon before! I’m trying enso every day with limited success but this was one breath, one brush stroke! Thanks for dropping by, great to hear from you. Happy moon viewing 😊

  4. I just love when you post anything, Ashley! And this is fascinating. Where I live in the Southwestern US, we have dark night restrictions on lights of all kinds so that we can enjoy the gazillions of stars above us! 🌞

  5. Lisa, your comments lift my spirits! 🙏 I live at latitude 54oN (approx) and being in Northern Ireland we are so affected by the weather from the Atlantic! Our skies are so often cloudy and whilst the south of England might be having a heatwave (tomorrow they will be in low 40s) we are not!
    There will be another supermoon in August so maybe I will see that one. Here’s a website you might like to check:
    Happy Sunday 🌹🙋‍♂️

      1. You’re welcome 😊
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  6. Très belle et agréable supermoon , que je n’aime cependant pas car elle est à l’origine de certaines de mes nuits d’insomnie.

    1. Merci Chinou. Il y avait tellement de nuages cette nuit-là que la lune était cachée ! Je pense qu’il y a une autre pleine lune en août, alors préparez-vous! (I hope Google Translate has worked correctly) 🌹🙋‍♂️

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