Summer Solstice


Here we are,
On the hill of summer;
The longest day.

This is a verse I published last year and it so I happened that I was in the same place yesterday where my verse came to me!  I hope you don’t mind me repeating it?  When I first wrote it, I’d been browsing through one of my favourite books, The Hill of Summer by J.A. Baker.  I just love the descriptive writing in that book.  Baker is probably better known for his extraordinary book, The Peregrine.

(The title of J.A. Baker’s book, The Hill of Summer, comes from a line in A.E. Housman’s poem A Shropshire Lad.)


31 thoughts on “Summer Solstice

    1. Thanks, Edo! As I stepped out into the garden this morning the scent of the earth was in the air. It was raining overnight. A beautiful morning.

  1. Margarita, you have “liked” another of my posts and I wish I could reciprocate as I love your short pieces! I find it impossible to access your blog; even WordPress can’t help me! Something to do with an additional layer of security (?) that you have added! Happy Summer Solstice!

    1. Marina, you make me smile 😊. And after posting this earlier this morning, I went on to practice my Qi Gong! Love it! πŸŒΉπŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

  2. Thank you, Ashley, for the beautiful verse! As you always write such interesting posts I just love to see your name in front of me! And the glorious photos – thank you.


    1. Dear Joanna, I had hoped to add an ink painting but it didn’t work out, hence the photo, which is a lovely scene! As always, it is lovely to hear from you πŸŒΉπŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

  3. Indeed, Ashley, a good way of thinking about it, and an uplifting poem. I shall climb a hill this evening to celebrate the hill of summer.

    1. And take a photo or two, Michael! Where I live there are very few hills close by so it would be good to see one near you. Enjoy this evening! πŸ™

    1. Yes, it’s here! The days get shorter from now on! 😒 I just wish we could have a bit more sunshine here, during the now shortening days! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Ž

    1. Hi Katelon, it’s lovely to hear from you! Spring is my favourite because everything is so new and fresh and we get lovely sunny weeks whereas our summers are always so mixed! I suppose we shouldn’t have favourites; each season is unique just as each person is too. Thank you for comment. πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

      1. I agree. I grew up in So. AZ and played outside or inside, swam and explored… or not, but I also had my own air conditioner in my room πŸ™‚ I liked summer because it meant vacations and my parents giving me more freedom. But now I prefer the fall with the cooling off, the quiet, the colors. Spring is lovely, too, with the return of colors, leaves on trees, the flowers. I don’t mind winter, especially when there is snow.

    1. Thank you, Lisa, for your lovely comments. The location for the photo is not that far from home and is actually an old canal. πŸ’πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

    1. And I just say Hello back to you, dear Joanna! I hope you have your feet up today? πŸ˜ŠπŸ’ŒπŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

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